Renee & George
Stability + Flow
"I wanted...something that demonstrated stability and structure, but that would move, a true reflection of the flow of married life ... life in general, really."
Organizing married life can be stressful, especially the second time around. When my then fiancé wanted to talk about an engagement ring and wedding bands, I felt like those decisions were going to be the things that could put me over the edge. That was until I met An.
I described to An my perfect rings as being nontraditional. I wanted a flowing ring that reflected a more mature approach to marriage. Something that demonstrated stability and structure, but that would move, a true reflection of the flow of married life ... life in general, really. George wanted my rings to be created first. His ring would follow as the masculine complement to the themes of my rings.
An started sketching out his interpretations of our ideas and what this yielded was a beautiful organic set of rings that quite literally were the perfect manifestation of our words in precious metal and gem. No revision needed.
The rings themselves are the perfect balance of masculine and feminine, George and me. They mirror us as individuals with perfect balance and establish a sense of unity that is secure yet flowing. Whenever I am asked about the rings, I smile a giddy smile that reveals there is a story behind them and people lean in wanting to hear all about the rings.
-Renee, Chapel Hill, NC